When a Storm Strikes, FRLS Provides a Three-Pronged Disaster Relief Approach

Learn more about disaster legal services at FRLS.

· News Releases,Disaster Services,FEMA,LSC Disaster Aid

(FLORIDA) – Whether you’ve lived in Florida for months or have been a lifelong resident of the state, chances are you’ve had first-hand experience with hurricane season. The impact of a storm can affect all parts of your daily life, from causing devastating damage to your home to disrupting your employment schedule and source of income. Moreover, back-to-back storms are becoming more common, leaving Floridians with little time to rebuild, recuperate, and get back into their rhythms.

In these times of increased need, Florida Rural Legal Services (FRLS) answers the call. FRLS is a non-profit law firm that provides free civil legal aid to qualified individuals, families, and vulnerable communities across 13 Florida counties and to farmworkers statewide

Among our widespread areas of practice is disaster relief. Serving as “second responders,” FRLS attorneys help eligible clients impacted by hurricanes and other disasters apply for FEMA grants, secure Disaster SNAP benefits, and even handle shady contractors years after a storm’s immediate impact. We know that our state’s low-income, elderly, veteran, and migrant farmworker communities are especially vulnerable to the impacts of a disaster. That’s why our legal aid organization endeavors to meet the needs of Florida’s underserved individuals and families in the wake of a storm.

FRLS’s Three-Pronged Disaster Relief Approach

At FRLS, we understand that disasters can strike when you least expect them and can last far longer than hurricane season. That’s why we offer a three-pronged approach to providing disaster preparedness, relief and recovery legal aid services, tackling a storm’s impact before it happens, in the immediate aftermath, and well after the rain stops.

Before the Storm

A hurricane is unstoppable. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for its impact. At FRLS, we offer a host of disaster preparedness resources that allow Floridians to plan ahead for this year’s storm season.

For example, our comprehensive pre-storm checklists catalog all the essentials you should keep safe (and waterproofed) before a hurricane hits, such as: identification documents like your driver’s license or passport; medical documentation like your health insurance card; financial documents like your checkbook; and automobile documents like your car’s title. Other things to keep secure are real property documents like your lease agreement or house deed; as well as any important legal documents.

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We also provide videos and other resources that educate storm-preppers on the best ways to plan for a hurricane, from packing a hurricane go-bag in case you must evacuate, noting your nearest hurricane shelters, and creating a plan for your pets, if you have any.

Immediate Disaster Relief

There’s a lot to do right after a hurricane hits, whether that means cleaning up the damage to your home or handling complex insurance claims. FRLS offers free disaster relief services that help qualifying clients get back on their feet as quickly as possible after a storm.

Our range of disaster services include assistance with FEMA applications, which allow eligible households to receive temporary housing, emergency home repairs, and compensation for food, personal property losses, and medical expenses caused by a disaster. Additionally, FRLS helps affected communities navigate Disaster Unemployment benefits and D-SNAP benefits, keeping the lights on and food on the table when your life is disrupted by a storm.

After a storm, FRLS responds immediately, hosting local outreach events in our communities to ensure you know your disaster relief options. If you find yourself in need of post-storm assistance, keep an eye out for a FRLS event near you or call us today!

Long-Term Disaster Resources

Hurricane season comes and goes, but the long-term effects of a disaster can continue to burden you and your family for months afterwards. The third prong of FRLS’s disaster relief services offers eligible clients help with the long-term impacts of a disaster.

Whether insurance claims have been wrongfully denied, or a shady contractor has attempted to pull a fast one on you, FRLS can intervene to ensure your rights are protected. We provide tips on how to deal with landlords, insurance companies, and contractors, to make sure your housing is restored in a timely manner. And when a contractor refuses to abide by the law, we can help you take them to court, ensuring the money you paid for incomplete or poor repair work is returned.

It’s important to move forward after a storm ends. FRLS will help speed that recovery process up.

The Calm Before (and After) the Storm

FRLS’s disaster relief services are designed to keep you on course, despite high winds and rough seas. Whether we’re in or out of hurricane season, FRLS attorneys are always on the job, meeting the needs of Florida’s vulnerable communities when it matters most.

If you have questions about storm preparation, relief, or recovery, call FRLS today: 1-888-582-3410.

About Florida Rural Legal Services, Inc.

Florida Rural Legal Services, Inc. (FRLS) is a non-profit law firm that provides free civil legal aid to qualified individuals, families, and vulnerable communities across 13 Florida counties and to farmworkers statewide. Since 1966, FRLS has pursued justice by providing legal services in housing law, family law, consumer protection, public benefits, elder law, disaster relief, education law, tax advocacy, and more, all at no cost to our clients. FRLS collaborates with community organizations and Pro Bono attorneys to deliver quality advocacy, outreach, and education designed to protect the rights of those in need. For over 50 years, FRLS has been a steadfast advocate for justice.