(STUART, Fla.)- Florida Rural Legal Services' Fort Pierce Office held a free Elder Law clinic in Martin County at the Vista Pines Community Clubhouse in Stuart, where residents heard from attorneys Maryann Diaz and Agnes Lambert, on Wednesday, May 3 at 1 p.m.
The topic of discussion were advance directive documents.
Attorneys Diaz and Lambert explained how advance directive documents don’t usually cross a person’s mind until something traumatic happens to themselves or a loved one.
FRLS stressed to the audience that putting documents such as a Last Will and Testament, Designation of Healthcare Surrogate, Living Will and Financial Power of Attorney in place in advance is an essential step for everyone, no matter one’s age, health, familial status or life situation.

FRLS volunteer and staff attorneys may provide counsel, advice or full representation to senior citizens in many areas of the law.
An FRLS elder law attorney can help with any one of the following:
- Discuss the importance of wills and estate planning, including planning for a minor or adult with special needs, probate proceedings, and other matters.
- Create a durable power of attorney.
- Provide help with health care and planning, including long term care options, patient rights, Medicare, and health care power of attorney.
- Financial representation: financial planning (including durable financial power of attorney), housing opportunities and planning, income, estate, and gift tax matters.
- Guardianship: help with the selection and appointment of a legal guardian.
- Help locate long term care facilities and manage assisted living cost.
- Explain nursing home resident rights and help file nursing home claims.
- Draft a living will or other advance directives, including a durable power of attorney and long term planning documents.

This is elder law clinic was of many outreach events that are hosted by Florida Rural Legal Services each year.
Those looking for free legal services provided by FRLS are urged to contact advocates at 1-888-582-3410 or apply online at frls.org/elderlaw to see if you qualify.