(IMMOKALEE, Fla.)- For migrant and seasonal farmworkers and food workers, maintaining employment and earning a steady income are not just crucial aspects of livelihood but fundamental for family stability. Amidst the challenges they face, ensuring fair wages and safe housing is paramount. Enter Florida Rural Legal Services (FRLS) Migrant Unit, a beacon of support for these workers, safeguarding their rights and well-being.
The Migrant Unit of FRLS is dedicated to preserving jobs, wages, and housing for migrant and seasonal workers while also combating unlawful retaliation or discrimination they may encounter. Through legal expertise, advocacy, and litigation, FRLS champions the remedies these workers deserve and shields them from exploitative labor practices by employers.
The consequences of a missed paycheck, even just an hour of work, can be dire for a migrant worker, jeopardizing basic needs like food, shelter, healthcare, and transportation. FRLS steps in to address these challenges, using outreach and education programs to empower workers, enabling them to recognize wage theft and seek legal assistance when necessary.
Utilizing both state and federal laws, FRLS ensures that wage theft is rectified and employs class and collective actions to address the collective legal needs of worker groups. If workers believe they are not being paid properly or are receiving less than minimum wage, FRLS encourages them to seek assistance promptly.
Migrant and seasonal farmworkers often reside in migrant labor housing sites, colloquially known as "camps," which vary from trailers to barracks. These sites, where workers live for the duration of their labor contract or growing season, must adhere to state licensing regulations for occupancy. However, conditions in these areas can be substandard, with issues like unsafe structures, sanitation problems, and overcrowding.
FRLS doesn't stop at defending workers' rights in the workplace but extends its efforts to ensure safe and stable housing conditions. Through mobile outreach, education, and monitoring, FRLS actively addresses housing concerns, offering legal guidance and making referrals to state and federal inspectors as necessary.
If you believe you have not been a victim, contact FRLS by phone 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at 1-855-771-3077.